‘Priceless’ team

Dear Editor:

RE: Council considers break for Rocks, May 2.

As a former member of the Elora Rocks I feel compelled to comment on their recent request to Centre Wellington council to forgive a debt from 2010.

I do understand some council members’ concerns that approval of the team’s request sets a precedent for other users of municipal facilities.

I am, however, concerned that several members of council may not fully understand the significance and importance of the team to Elora.

The Elora Rocks have represented Elora in Senior Hockey from as far back as the First World War. During the span of well over a hundred years the team has won numerous championships, provided local youth with a place to play competitive hockey and given hundreds of thousands of residents an affordable night of entertaining hockey.

The team has proudly represented Elora in many communities across the province. When they speak of Elora, they think of the beautiful town, the Gorge and the Elora Rocks.

This is not a privately run for-profit organization. It is not owned by anybody. It is a community organization run by volunteers providing an identity and sense of pride.

The team does not make a profit.  It relies on local sponsors, ticket sales and fundraising to make ends meet.  But it provides so much more to the local community.

I urge council to work with the team to reach a mutually agreeable outcome. Elora can’t afford to lose this priceless piece of local history!

Bill Rowe,