Poppy campaign

Dear Editor:

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 275 would like to thank all the people of the Fergus area, the merchants who displayed poppy boxes and provided window displays of Remembrance, and all individuals and businesses who assisted in a very successful poppy campaign. Thank you for your contributions.

A breakdown of funds raised follows:

– store canvassing $22,904.20;

– countertop boxes, all locations $7,920.06;

– wreath revenue $3,045.00; and

– donations $5,219.50; and

– total poppy revenue for 2018:  $42,144.22.

RCL Branch 275 Fergus and the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 275 invite you to visit us and consider joining the Legion today. There are many ways you can help and many public events held at the branch.

For information, call us at 519-843-2345.

Tom Kirby and Francis Hurd,

Fergus Legion Poppy Chair and President of the  Ladies Auxiliary