‘Please slow down’

Dear Editor:

Orton is a lovely little hamlet, located just outside of Hillsburgh. Many of you may have biked through it on the cataract trail or enjoyed our annual Canada Day Chicken BBQ.

I have found lately though, that many of you are just passing by and at a much faster pace. The construction on Orangeville Road 3/Wellington Road 18 and Wellington Road 22 has caused a massive spike in the volume of traffic detouring through our little community.

The majority of people are speeding well above the posted 50km/h, ignoring the hand made signs from residents urging them to slow down, as well as passing others who are going the posted limit.

This letter is to plead with those of you in a hurry to take the extra 30 seconds of time to drive the leisurely 50km through Orton, and pause to notice our vibrant little town.

We have over 70 children living in this tiny area. They run in and out of each others’ yards playing. They ride their bikes. They walk the family dog. They are crossing the main road all the time. We have seniors who take daily walks along the road or who may take a little longer to cross the road safely. We have cyclists crossing the road at the trail openings. We have neighbours who see each other and will spend half and hour chit-chatting on the sidewalk beside the road.

Our community wants to keep our children, residents and visitors safe. So please, slow down, not just in Orton, but in every small community!

Fiona Armbruster,