‘Peaceful’ protest

Dear Editor:

I don’t think Alberta’s premier needs to worry about apologizing to the federal Liberal government in any way as she is defending the economy of her province and has every right to do so.  It is too bad that she had to go to court to confirm the rights the premier has in her own  province.  The Liberal and NDP are wrong about this.

However, I do definitely think that the Liberal government owes Canadians an apology for enacting the Emergencies Act with regard to the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and freezing Canadian bank accounts and cancelling any Canadian donations reaching into Canadians’ bank accounts. All of this was an overreach of the government.

As a senior, I remember when Trudeau’s father, Pierre enacted the  War Measures Act – however that was because the FLQ had killed Quebec Cabinet Minister Mr. Laporte, who was found, I believe in the trunk of a car, dead,  and the FLQ was conducting “terrorism”.   Military forces, tanks were sent in.    Canadians questioned the use of the legislation even then because it is not to be used lightly.

The rally in Ottawa was a peaceful one. The Liberals should apologize for not meeting with Canadians standing outside in freezing cold weather waiting to talk in Ottawa. It was disgraceful.

The Liberal government should have heard the issues through a meeting and solved the problem rather than using force under the Emergencies Act. This was not appropriate.

An apology is due to Canadians in a democracy by the prime minister, and most of the world is watching. I am sure democratic countries would agree, the Emergencies Act used by the Liberal government and any supporters of this overreach, such as that of the NDP,  was wrong.

Going to court to appeal the decision on the matter is a mistake also, and a waste of taxpayers money and is another misuse of power and money by the Liberal party supported by the NDP party.

Many Canadians want new leadership. We just need the NDP to support what Canadians want and provide a non confidence vote to call an election to restore “common sense” to the leadership of Canada, our nation, which I hope will always remain under God, justice and truth.

Carolann Krusky,