‘Others before self’

An open letter to those Canadians who complain that their freedom has been violated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have a Charter of Rights that guarantees certain freedoms, the most important being the right to life, liberty and security.

Under this charter we are granted certain freedoms, however, the Charter of Rights does not grant one individual person’s rights over the rights of others. The charter states, “Every individual is equal … and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law …”.

Along with the freedoms guaranteed under the charter there is also citizen responsibility.

“People who live in Canada are expected to:

– understand and obey Canadian laws;

– help protect Canada’s multicultural heritage;

– allow other Canadians to enjoy their rights and freedoms.”

We are all part of a greater community within this country. In times of adversity, as in war, natural disaster or battling this pandemic, it is the responsibility of all citizens to work together to protect each other and our country. That responsibility may require sacrifices, including giving up our individual freedom for the betterment of the community as a whole.

Each individual has the right to choose. For every choice we make there are consequences, some good and some bad. However, your rights as an individual do not trump the rights of others.

The government has instigated measures to protect the citizens of this country against this virus. If you choose not to vaccinate, your choice puts others at risk. And making that choice you sacrifice certain rights of your own, the rights to access certain venues like the work place, restaurants and events.

The men and women that fought in World War I and II, and conflicts since then, understood/understand this responsibility of citizenship. They sacrificed their lives, their personal liberty and security so that we can continue to enjoy the fundamental rights we have today.

Do not use their sacrifices to defend your choice to denounce the COVID-19 vaccine, and government measures to combat COVID-19. It is an insult to the sacrifices they made.

They put their country and others before self. We should ask no less of ourselves.

Arlene Wright,