Opposes speed bumps

Dear Editor:

From Aug. 12 issue of the Advertiser it looks like some locals are clamouring for those wretched speed bumps again (Cedar Valley report on page 7 and Orton resident in the letter page).

As a local living right in the middle, virtually equidistant between the two villages, I have to say speed bumps are an outdated and loathsome idea.

Take a look at far better European solutions with planned chicanes and planters, which do a much better job of traffic calming and present an opportunity to make our streets more attractive.

Incidentally, there’s an anonymous speeder who‘s been laying down long snakes of tire rubber for years along Erin/East Garafraxa Townline.

Any driver with that kind of mentality would relish the challenge of speeding over bumps to see if he/she could get airborne!

Our roads are potholed and uncomfortable enough without our taxes being wasted on more bumps and discomfort. There is a far better solution to the problem than destroying our roads.

Roy Pegg,
5th Line, Orton