Not sustainable

Dear Editor:

RE: Fossil fuels, June 10.

I’ve read the green energy debate between Ron Moore and Henry Brunsweld and honestly, is this even a debate any more?

It seems to me that most climate scientists have deemed the idea of continued massive carbon emissions as not beneficial to a healthy planet. With that hard (and irrefutable) truth, what are we supposed to do? The technology for a green society isn’t there yet, but we’re not using dial up internet any more either, so investment into new technologies does ramp up pretty quickly now. We’re just living in a society of instant gratification and lack the patience for the science to develop the solutions in the due time it takes.

China, India and Russia can continue to spew carbon into the atmosphere, but creating green technologies now can only set up our future generations for success. Those other countries will either benefit from these forward thinking societies or get left behind. Ask Blockbuster how not adapting to new tech has worked out for them.

It’s easy to throw stones at new ways of thinking, but maybe come at the problem with possible solutions next time instead of tearing apart progressive thoughts as a way of maintaining a lifestyle that has zero chance of being sustainable in 50 years.

Jeff Babister,