Not about hair

Dear Editor:

RE: Free pass for PM? (Feb. 4).

Delsie Drover’s anger is misplaced. If you want to talk about failures, look no further than the Ford government. But please, look.

You ask about Trudeau’s hair? Why not ask about the healthcare funding cut by Ford? You question the PM’s intellect? How smart was it to cut funding for public health – now that we need it?

Talking about being 23rd on a list of countries receiving vaccine, sure, did you ask how many dead and suffering people in long-term care Ford and his government are comfortable with? Sure, the Governor General “scandal” is bizarre and embarrassing; is it more embarrassing than the PPE that hospital staff have to reuse?

You mention accountability: who is accountable for our schools and hospitals? The funding to help was bestowed upon Ford and he continues to sit on it, hoarding it for what? To balance a budget? To pay for infrastructure? Our ICUs are full – not with people from LTCs, but healthy people who happened to be hit very hard by a virus. People in their 40s and 50s.

To think someone would bemoan teens getting financial assistance rather than sending them into frontline work and risking their and their family’s lives is sinister.

Have the feds had scandals, sure. Vote how you will next election. It seems like you’re going to anyways. But make sure your frustrations about how this pandemic is going are appropriately placed.

Don’t forget: Ford cut funding; they’re sitting on funding; they’ve ignored experts on smaller class sizes; they’ve lied about HVAC and staffing upgrades; they’ve been purposefully misleading about federal versus provincial dollars spent; they have not secured PPE for hospital staff; they’ve botched the roll out of every step since last March; Ford cut mental health funding, public health funding; waited when they should have acted; and watered down public health recommendations from the get go.

Get mad. But make sure it’s not about hair.

Andy Perun,