No help, no results

Dear Editor:

Finding a doctor to fill out and assess, examine me, for the purpose of disabled person status, I have been to walk-in clinics for five years, on a waiting list for a doctor.

The clinic here in Fergus will not complete the government forms. I have been to several doctor here in Fergus that will not take me as a patent.

I have been to a specialist in Guelph who told me my diabetic neuropathy puts me in the disabled person category, but he will not fill out any government forms.

I have contacted my MPP Ted Arnott several times, with no results. I have contacted Groves hospital with no results.

I have not been able to do my income taxes for two years, now waiting for a doctor to complete my disability government forms.

I, as a tax paying retired citizen, have been ignored, brushed off, left with this problem. Everyone I contact says they can not help me.

David Hern,