Nestle’s intentions?

Dear Editor:

RE: Water protection, March 12.

Over the past many months, I have read articles and letters very similar to this one dealing with Nestle and the Middlebrook Well in Centre Wellington. One thing that really stands out is the lack of facts relating to what Nestle’s intentions are.

We know that Save our Water is working very hard to make sure Nestle does not set up shop in Centre Wellington.

The last actual fact on the matter appears to have taken place over three years ago when Nestle, after discovering that the opposing bid for the well was actually from Centre Wellington, wanted to negotiate a way to work together with Centre Wellington.

I have tried to find out if Centre Wellington even got as far as finding out what was on the table in this regard. Mayor Kelly Linton was somewhat vague when asked and commented that no big corporation would give up something like this without making huge demands such as sharing the well. Maybe this was the original plan, but that was three years ago and anyone in business knows that is a lifetime and things can, and usually do, change.

Considering the moratorium, there is no way of knowing what the effect would be if Nestle pumped 1.6 million litres of water per day from the well. All information related to this is speculation. One thing we do know is that Centre Wellington will need more water as it expands and, as municipalities take 60 per cent of the water in the Grand River watershed (water bottling uses less than 1%), I would be far more concerned with the effect the municipality may have on the water table.

Given the not-very-warm welcome Nestle is receiving in Centre Wellington, it is highly likely that they do not want to stay in Centre Wellington but unless there is communication nobody will ever know. Instead of all the drama of presenting petitions to the Ontario Government, wouldn’t it be a more proactive approach for Centre Wellington Council to sit down with Nestle to find out exactly what is on the table today and work from there?

There are tax implications for all us residents in Centre Wellington and I, personally, do not like the thought of paying huge increases because my elected representatives chose to not do what might be best for all taxpayers they represent.

Sandra Solomon,