‘Move the town’

Dear Editor:

RE: Report recommends $38-million diversion of river around Harriston, Feb. 4.

The planet is in trouble. There are too many humans, too much apathy, too much disregard for the environment.

The fact that a town is built on a flood plain, that has endured years of flooding, points to one fact only: we never learn. We refuse to learn from our own mistakes, whether political, historical financial, or environmental; we repeat our own inanity countless times.

We still think we can control nature, despite years of being shown otherwise. The planet is not “ours”, it is on loan, ours to return when we are done.

Move the river? This is crazy! This is as selfish and naïve as the proposal to build Highway 413.

As Chief Seattle said, “We are part of the earth, and the earth is part of us.” Move the town.

Gerry Stephenson,