Making a difference

Dear Editor:

Re: Communities for people, March 21.

Yes, communities are for people, and there is an opportunity right in Fergus, right now, for those looking for support around affordable housing. 

Habitat for Humanity is building 32 units (stacked townhomes) on Garafraxa Street West, 22 of which  are dedicated to families looking to get into the housing market, along with Habitat’s support. The other 10 units are now for sale on MLS. 

With reference to the 22 units designated for Habitat families, I believe there are many in our community not familiar with the new Habitat financial model. Firstly, Habitat has stepped up to the plate to create solutions for affordable housing, rather than just talk and plan about it. Secondly, Habitat has introduced an affordable mortgage program to assist families to make that important and goal-worthy step of making homeownership a reality. It’s a game changer to help our community move forward on the gap of affordable housing. 

If you, or a family member or neighbour is looking for assistance, reach out to Habitat for Humanity.  

If you are a concerned community member, Habitat is in the process of launching an offering of community bonds, which provide you, as a socially responsible individual or company, a way to help by investing in these bonds. Funds invested go directly toward more developments Habitat is planning. 

Habitat for Humanity has taken a leadership role in addressing affordable housing. With our support, we all can be proud to know we are doing something to make a difference. 

Ed Gleeson,