‘Look at the bright side’

Dear Editor:

Seasons were God’s invention. He created the Earth’s tilt to the sun in order to create seasons, with which comes longer and shorter days.

As summer rolls to fall, and days become shorter, our perspective needs to change.

Being negative about shorter days makes us forget the beautiful side. For example, the fact that stars are out earlier, and the moon shines brighter.

Darkness gives us time to pause and enjoy time with family, rather than being busy all the time.

Shorter days, and the darkness that comes with it, also gives us new appreciation for when the days are longer.

We are not in control of the seasons and darkness, but we are in control of our attitudes towards them. It’s only dreary if you allow yourself to believe it’s dreary.

“Dark too soon” can be turned into “look at the bright side”

Hannah Thalen,