Local service?

Dear Editor:

RE: Council supports Wellington County bylaw to permit ride sharing program, March 28.

I am very upset about the County of Wellington’s plan to change the bylaw to allow an out-of-county company to come into the county to provide the exact same service my company, and many others like me, can and are already providing to our communities. 

The taxi companies in Wellington County have to adhere to strict rules and costly regulations in order to secure licences to operate here. We have all done that. We are all operating here already. 

I cannot speak for the other companies or drivers, but for our company, I would be more than happy to discuss this type of service.  To make the necessary changes, to work on discounted/subsidized rates. Whatever it takes to do what I set out to do, provide affordable transportation and excellent customer service to my neighbours and my community.

If this proposed bylaw comes into effect, does it mean that we will no longer be required to pay the fees that we pay yearly now?  Will we no longer be required to have the hundreds of dollars worth of equipment and licences that we are required to have now?  Will that mean that we are now allowed to operate the same as this out-of-county operator? More importantly, will these changes make the rules different, unsafe for passengers?  Unsafe vehicles?  What is being changed, and how will it affect the safety of vehicles, and quality of the drivers? 

I have been expressing my concerns to the county for some time, and I encourage the other operators to do so as well. I am standing here shouting, “Hey guys, I am here, part of this county, I can and would love to provide this service!”

Shop local, support local; at least give us a shot.

Ann Hepburn,

Operations manager, Redbeard Ride