Keeping score

Dear Editor:

An open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

I now understand what you meant in 2015 when you identified that, “This is the post national period” and that Canada has “no core identity”.

I thought then that it was just more words of extreme wisdom from our new boy leader. Now I realize what you meant. In your mind the vision of Canada appears to be a country run by the elite for the elite using the law as it suits them and bypassing it when it does not, and pandering to small special interest groups when it suits you.

Of course if the country does have a core and that core is patriotic then a leader (loose use of the word) who flouts the law and caters for special interest groups only, would not survive very long. So the first step has to be to suggest the removal of the core (core values) and patriotism.

Now I understand where you were, and are, coming from. You want Canada as a fiefdom where the rule of law and whosoever favours are conferred upon depends only upon the leaders decisions of the day.

Trouble is we core Canadians have an anthem with words like: “True patriot love in all of us command … The True North strong and free … O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.”

How are you going to handle this, because these words are a little nationalistic and patriotic and surely cannot be accepted in any respectable fiefdom?

Since we Canadians will never let you turn our country into a post nationalistic state with no core (core values), why not hand over your job to someone recognized as a solid Canadian, with core values, who has braved personal hardship and who has shown that he is prepared to just get the job done.

I think that David Ayres would step in and at least he would score eight out of 10 shots on goal blocked.  What is your score since you came into office?

Michael Lee,