‘Informed decision’

Dear Editor:

RE: New cases of COVID-19 are back on the rise throughout the region, Aug. 26.

I picked up a copy of your paper at the Guelph Public Library last week, never having read it before.

I was quite pleased with the presentation of information in the articles, allowing discerning readers access to that information rather than twisting the narrative to suit the politics.

Nevertheless, I think there are some statistics buried on page 34 that may have been better on the front page. The information presented reveals that of the 143 persons in Ontario in hospital for COVID-19, 27 were fully vaccinated, meaning that for more than 18% of the people, the vaccination did not prevent hospitalization. For those in ICU, more than 9% (seven of 74) were not protected by the vaccine. Additionally, no information is given regarding co-morbidities.

It is important for people to have this sort of information prominently presented since one must balance the negative impacts of the vaccines with their efficacy in order to make an informed decision.

Stella Mott,

*Editor’s note: COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. Breakthrough cases occur, but the fully vaccinated are far less likely to suffer serious infections, to require hospitalization, or to die than those who are unvaccinated. Anyone concerned about vaccines should speak to their physician.