Help without hesitation

Dear Editor:

I feel so fortunate to live in this county!

Over the last few days strangers, neighbours have come to our aid, in the moment of need, no hesitation, offering help.

First it was when I had just been in a car accident on Wellington Road 29 at Sideroad 30. 

I was dazed, hurt, struggling to get out of my vehicle which I thought was on fire. (Later, I realized the smoke was the result of the three airbags exploding, not a fire.) 

In that moment a clear, calm voice said “We’re here to help.” 

They got me out of the car and to safety on the side of the road, directed traffic around the accident, got my purse and phone from the car and helped to contact my family. 

One of these angels was herself a nurse and kept me under close attention as I struggled with pain and shock. 

I want to thank all of you who stopped and helped out that day. I will never forget your generous kindness!

The police were soon on the scene, the ambulance arrived not long after. I was taken to Groves Hospital where I received timely professional care. 

Thank you all!

Thank you to my dear neighbours who brought over delicious food to help us out.

Then today, just days from the trauma of the accident, our two family dogs went missing. 

We were getting very worried after an hour and a half with no response to our calls and searches as we live near a busy road. 

Again, strangers stepped up! Twice within minutes of each other, strangers came up the driveway with information about the whereabouts of the two rogue pups. And quickly we were able to locate them.

All was well, albeit muddy and out of breath!  Thank you for taking the time to come to our aid!

Yes, I feel very fortunate to live here! 

Take good care everyone and look out for each other.

Margaret Manwaring,
Centre Wellington