‘Hall’ suggestions

Dear Editor:

RE: Nominations poured in for Wellington Hall of Fame, Aug. 19.

I read with interest this column (as I do every week). Couple of comments. It noted that O.M. McConkey’s farm was near Ponsonby. This was also mentioned in an earlier column on Dr. McConkey. The McConkey farm was the second farm on the west side of Highway 6 north of Ennotville. I did some odd jobs for them while in high school in the 1950s. He was a very interesting man.

I was also surprised that no one nominated Dr. Tom Russell or Dr. Groves. Both made valuable contributions. Dr. Russell’s daughter “Becky” was in the same year as I in high school.

George Milne,
Cambridge (74-year CW resident)

*Editor’s note: The Advertiser plans to run a second Stephen Thorning column on the “Wellington Hall of Fame” in the coming weeks.