Great neighbours

Dear Editor:

I want to report some good news. This is the season of thanksgiving and All Hallos (Saints) day and in reflecting on the past year it has been full of mixed blessings like COVID-19, health issues, elections, and horrendous crimes.

It could make some become skeptical and lose hope, but sometimes the best place to look for encouragement is in your own neighbourhood. I had that experience this year.

After a serious health episode I was unable to do physical labour like cutting my lawn. When my neighbours found out they jumped in and offered help. Without any fuss or even without asking they simply came and mowed my lawn – not once but all summer long and not only one of them, but three families at different times.

Needless to say one of the things I’m most thankful for and gives me most hope is the compassion and grace of my good neighbours on Raglan Street in Palmerston.

Thank God for you and thank you for your neighbourliness.

Calvin Brown,