Grandmothers adapting

Dear Editor:

There is no doubt the past several months have been unprecedented for our community.  We know people in our community support our local businesses, restaurants, hospital, food banks and local charities.

Indeed, it is a challenging time for everyone.

The Grandmothers of the Grand want you to know that while we have supported our own community in many ways, we still have a desire to continue to support the grandmothers in sub Saharan Africa who are struggling to raise orphaned children amidst two pandemics now – COVID and  HIV/AIDS.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has made it unbearable and catastrophic for those in sub Saharan Africa who are struggling with poverty, lack of clean water, crowded living conditions, lack of shelter, lack of masks and lack of education.

As a group, we have missed meeting together to continue our work raising awareness and funds for the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign.  We want to continue our support and do what we can, looking at innovative ways to do this.

We have held an annual “Bridge to Africa” bridge tournament and auction every Fall in order to raise much needed funds that go directly to the grassroots organizations.

We will not be able to hold this fundraiser this year, but will encourage bridge players to play online and donate to the Grandmothers of the Grand and be eligible to win awesome door prizes.

We hope we can count on the continued support of our community and are always looking for new members and new ideas. Thank you.

Grandmothers of the Grand,