Frustration, anger

Dear Editor:

“Be aware of your surroundings ma’am!” he said.

Did you know Elora has meter maids? Well, men in black, armed with camera phones and indestructible parking fines (I did try to rip it up, while in a rage).

Did you know that Elora has two electric vehicle charging stations in our post office parking lot, just as one enters to the left side, facing the cenotaph?

 I learned these truths this past Sunday afternoon around 1:30pm. I had not been able to pick up bakery items that were ordered during the morning. Imagine my amazement upon arriving in our downtown and discovering that there were so many people, even more cars and no parking spaces. 

I did a circle and then spotted an empty spot in the post office lot. Just for me and just a short walk to the bakery to get goods and back to the car. You know the rest of the story. 

At first, I was puzzled. It was my license number. But why? Then it registered as the stations came into focus. Then I became upset, very upset. I left the parking lot, going the back way to Henderson Street. 

And there they were, strutting their stuff, back and forth, sweat on their brows, checking for possible parking infractions. One of them did get my diatribe. But he smiled sweetly through it all, especially when I tried to rip up the stupid ticket.

My frustration, anger and emotion comes from living in our beautiful village for 53 years. I have always loved Elora. This was a first for me. Times, they are a-changing … but a parking ticket? In Elora? 

Perhaps these meter men should be given special commendations or new e-bikes or something. This fine is $55 plus a convenience charge, unless one uses the QR code. 

No convenient walk-ins at 1 MacDonald Square. The violation is mine, for sure, not my intention … Then why do I feel so mad, sad and violated?

Council should not even consider raising taxes. The revenue that these parking patrollers bring to the County of Wellington and the Township of Centre Wellington, etc. should more than fill the coffers!

Louise Cako,