Ford out of his element

Dear Editor:

RE: Exemplary leadership, April 16.

If one defines the word “exemplary”, it is hard to understand its use to describe the actions of the current Premier of Ontario.

I do believe that Doug Ford is doing the best that he can under these unprecedented circumstances, however he is clearly out of his element as a leader. Watching his pressers leaves me with the impression that he is fearful and uncertain of what he should be doing. He has the “deer in the headlights” look all of the time.

He recently described the COVID-19 situation in Ontario’s long-term care facilities as a “wildfire.” But he is mostly responsible for laying the kindling and playing with matches.

His government has been recklessly cutting funding for many programs and services across many ministries; programs originally designed to maintain a proper standard of care for all Ontarians. This is most clearly evident now in the health ministry.

Ford’s government halted the inspection process at the very care facilities that he now describes as burning out of control.

A CBC investigation into comprehensive resident quality inspections (CRQI) showed most Ontario Long-term care homes received CRQIs in 2015, ‘16, ‘17. Only about half did in 2018, and only nine out of the 626 facilities in 2019.

Is that what exemplary leadership looks like?

As for our federal government, I have found their response to this crisis to be more akin to exemplary when compared to many other governments around the world. They’re not perfect, but they’re doing a good job. They have showed great flexibility and have striven to ensure that Canadians are being supported.

Even Doug Ford has acknowledged them with praise. He thanked the prime minister for stepping up for Ontario, and called Chrystia Freeland a “rockstar.” Even Ford thinks “this lot” in Ottawa is doing a good job.

Danny Schreiner,
East Garafraxa