Fiscal responsibility

Dear Editor:

It’s refreshing to see that the majority of Canadians don’t care about being fiscally responsible anymore.

The Liberals just wasted $610 million on an election that achieved absolutely nothing. If that alone doesn’t concern you, then I’m sorry to say, this country is doomed.

If Canadians made their choice based solely on this COVID-19 crisis, they need to give their heads a shake. Trudeau only used the crisis as a ploy to try to get a majority. He even pledged a billion dollars (of what money?) to the provinces to help implement the vaccine passport. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs because of his stance on vaccines. How is that treating everyone equally?

The PPC seemed like the only logical choice for me. They were the only ones pledging to balance the budget, eliminate the idea of a vaccine passport and treat everyone in this country equally. There are way more items on their platform to gush over, which I’m sure some folks may not agree with (isn’t democracy great), but it’s clear that equality and fiscal responsibility are at the top of their agenda.

Please don’t label them as extremists simply for their stance on this pandemic. The only reason they appear to be extremely right-wing is that all the other parties are extremely left-wing. They are a just a common-sense party that doesn’t look to the polls to find out what they need to say next.

I urge all Canadians to wake up! Don’t you see? We are constantly in this back-and-forth battle of being fiscally irresponsible, to being somewhat fiscally responsible. At the next election, please pick the party with the best track record in that respect, or support another party willing to do what it takes.

Doug Vanderveen,