Finding Annie

Dear Editor:

Operation Find Annie was a success!

The great thing about losing a pet (or misplacing her) is that you find out just how great your neighbours and friends are. Thank you to everyone in our community for your care and support while we searched for our little hound.

It was a cold winter’s night, and somehow Annie made it through the night and we found her the following afternoon! 

She must have hunkered down in someone’s shed or barn, because when my daughter Maddie found her in the woods, leash hooked on a root, she was healthy and not overly stressed. She started whining and wagging and other than looking a little guilty, she didn’t seem any worse for the wear. 

What are the chances?

Lately, nationally and locally—there’s been a lot of disheartening news. However, “Operation Find Annie” has reassured me. I live in an amazing country; Erin is a great little town and it is full of really good people.

Thanks everyone for being so kind and generous with your time and offers to help. I had calls and texts from people I’ve never met, and offers from neighbours to take time off work to help look for Annie. Thank you all for being so kind, you are good people.

We are headed to obedience classes for dog and owner.

Bridget Ryan (and Annie),
