‘Expensive frauds’?

Dear Editor:

Wind turbines and solar power (WTSP) systems are expensive frauds.

Although they have an adoring mainstream media (MSM) following, after decades of use they are simply not performing nearly as efficiently as our existing systems. Effectively they are expensive parasites on our main grid.

Frankly, I doubt anyone would build WTSP systems unless bribed by subsidies (provided by our carbon taxes) and nonsensical guaranteed long-term government contracts.

Yet watch a MSM ad for anything (banks to dog food) and a WTSP system is in the background. The problem still remains that when wind doesn’t blow, and the sun doesn’t shine (often when most needed) these systems produce zero.  Electricity must be used when created and massive batteries that effectively store/smooth out large-scale distribution simply do not exist (decades away at this point).

The key headline is that there is no need for Canadians to urgently move to “green power” anyway.  We are by far the “greenest power producer” anywhere for a country of our population size (or larger) thanks to hydro (water) and nuclear power mainstays. No other country is even close! Yet have you heard our leaders or MSM say this? It should be a point of pride!   

Canadians must understand that WTSP technologies are simply poor substitutes.  Given our new massive public debt we can no longer afford such poor “green” choices of power systems and frankly we do not have to. Our leaders need to be smarter and more honest (some hope there).  Better solutions do exist.   

Mike Hall,