Doing damage

Dear Editor:

RE: Canada’s ‘buffoon,’ Nov. 29.

I must applaud Delsie Drover for her letter to the editor regarding the damage done to our country by our prime minister and his puppet master/speech writer Gerald Butts.

It’s encouraging to see people finally starting to realize how destructive their policies on the energy sector/pipeline industry and illegal immigration are to this fine country.

Both these men have said in the past that our oil sector must be phased out or shut down completely, while as Delsie stated, we continue to buy oil at inflated prices from that great bastion of democracy, Saudi Arabia.

With all the new restrictions imposed on any pipeline construction, I can’t see any company wanting to build one in this country, whereas they are welcomed south of the border. Alberta, and all of Canada are already losing $80 million a day towards our economy because of the lack of pipelines to ship oil to world markets.

In regards to illegal, or “irregular” immigrants, if Trudeau signs on to the UN Migration Pact, expect even more economic refugees and asylum seekers illegally crossing our border. Only now they’ll be able to sponsor their extended family, such as cousins, aunts, etc. They become the anchor relative.

Next year, before it’s too late for this great country, let’s please kick these bums out the door.

Rob Walker, MINTO