‘Do the right thing’

Dear Editor:

RE: ‘Puslinch by Design’: county, township to study employment lands in Puslinch, Jan. 4.

Residents of Sideroad 20N, Concession 4 and Forestell Road were encouraged by the proactive steps taken by Wellington County and Puslinch council in moving forward with the “Puslinch by Design” initiative.

The plan outlines the requirement to allocate a minimum of 30 hectares (74 acres) in Puslinch for “Prestige” industrial lands, with a focus on directing such development towards urban areas. This collaborative plan wishes to use a made-in Puslinch approach, by incorporating feedback from the public, ensuring we preserve the rural character of our community.

This strategic approach aims to safeguard our agricultural lands, preserve environmentally sensitive areas, and uphold the cherished rural lifestyle and community essence that defines Puslinch. These goals align with the commitments outlined in the Wellington County Official Plan.

Mayor James Seeley noted in council that Jim Estill’s request for direct access from the Hanlon Expressway through the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) did not receive approval.

Consequently, Mr. Estill would be required to use Sideroad 20N, Concession 4 and Forestell Road as the designated routes for accessing his land. It is essential, that “Puslinch by Design” dictates that placing industrial lands on rural roads not built for heavy truck traffic goes against the very fabric of our community.

Do the right thing.

Justin Wilson,
Concerned Citizens of Puslinch