Disturbing math

Dear Editor:

Members of all political parties, federal and provincial, have been suggesting the construction of millions of new housing units for immigrants, the homeless and tent people. 

Construction of 5,500,000 units has been presented as the quantity required for completion by 2030 .

Let’s do a little arithmetic: there are approximately 2,000 working days between now and the year 2030. To build 5,500,000 housing units would translate into approximately 2,700 units per day, or five houses or apartment units every minute!

This is not a Biblical story about the fishes and loaves. This a “tale” about the lives of thousands of people. Maybe, as a courtesy, an honest politician could explain this fable to the homeless masses. Maybe someone could tell these people the truth, because it is impossible to build five homes every minute, every day for seven years.

Jim McClure,