Dispelling rumours

Dear Editor:

I think it would be helpful for the Wellington Advertiser to have a special COVID-19 News Update column each week to inform people who are not on social media. Everyone reads the Wellington Advertiser!

Put in current stats such as world wide, Canada, Ontario, and Wellington County totals cases and deaths to date. The U.S. too, which shows what not following the rules looks like.

Dispel rumours. No, doctors don’t get paid more if they diagnose COVID-19!

No, this is not communism, this is a pandemic. If you care about your neighbour and your families, you should obey the rules. They are for everyone (the same rules applied in the 1918 pandemic and no one argued about their personal rights and demonstrated).

No one is being persecuted. If rules are followed, no one is punished or fined. Also, just because a death certificate says something in addition to COVID, doesn’t mean they didn’t die because of COVID.

Repeat the indoor rules. If 50 people are indoors, are they all social distancing and wearing masks? Repeat the church rules. If you are at church do you obey the no singing, social distancing, and mask wearing rule?

It’s not “just the flu.” Interview a “long hauler.” Some people never recover.

Nothing about this is easy. But this pandemic is an unprecedented event. This too shall pass. Sure, it’s difficult. But not as difficult as mourning a loved one. What’s one Christmas without family and friends when it could mean death for someone or businesses shutting down?

Rhoda Seibert,
Mount Forest