‘Dedicated thespians’

Dear Editor:

In mid February some of our family was able to watch Radium Girls, an amazing true story, come to life on stage at the Fergus Grand Theatre. 

What a fine job to all the players and crew of the Elora Community Theatre in presenting this tragic and true account that happened in the Radium Watch Dial Factory in New Jersey in the 1920s. Few of us know that this had actually happened!

It is a difficult thing to portray real-life situations but to be able to show these women individually going through their radiation poisoning was no small feat. The acting, lighting and video presentations were truly amazing. 

Kudos go out to director Catherine Johnston for all her work to be able to present this tragic story in such a meaningful way. A lot of hard work for sure by all these dedicated thespians. Elora and Fergus can be very proud to have such talented individuals in our community. 

Thank you for what you do! 

Florence VanGinkel,