‘Critical expectations’

Dear Editor:

The County of Wellington is hosting a housing symposium this week. For many in the community, including myself, the symposium is a much-needed opportunity to define the complex problem of homelessness, addiction and mental health in our city, and develop a broad plan of action.

Some concerns have been raised about the lack of transparency and information around the symposium’s agenda, participation and overall objectives. While I share some of these concerns, I also have a mandate that requires me to relentlessly pursue positive progress. In that spirit I offer the following:

It is important for the business community that the symposium be successful. The complex challenge at the center of the symposium is one that affects businesses in Guelph. Businesses are community members who care. They are individuals with families and friends who are impacted by these challenges. And yes, they are people who invest in this city and whose businesses are negatively impacted by this growing challenge – especially in the downtown.

From my perspective there are three critical expectations of the symposium:

– a transparent plan of action;

– clear accountability; and

– community participation.

It is my sincere desire to see the County of Wellington led housing symposium be successful. I respectfully offer these ideas and expectations as a productive contribution on behalf of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce network.

Shakiba Shayani,
President and CEO,
Guelph Chamber of Commerce