COVID-19 poem

Dear Editor:

We all thought Corona was a Mexican beer,
Who knew it would become such a fear!
My nails are a mess, my hair’s long and gray;
The unibrow’s happening but what can I say?
Hoarding!  T-paper, flour and bread,
Some made a buck, got “wiped” out instead.
You can’t see your kids or grandchildren too,
Keeping parents safe is the best thing to do.
Email, Facetime, Skype or just call
It’s easy, just try it, and be safe one and all!
No Jay, Raps or beloved Maple Leafs,
Tim and Sid have no reports nor beefs!
The stars of our country donated a lot;
Health care workers and food banks got some of the pot.
Trudeau and Ford stepped up to the plate,
This was no time to be so sedate.
So all Canadians, stay apart but together;
One day in the future, we’ll see better weather!

Linda McFadden,