‘Christmas miracle’

Dear Editor:

This past Friday, my wife and I visited Landman Gardens and Bakery outside of Grand Valley as it was a beautiful sunny day for a drive and we love to support small businesses.

After we left the farm we stopped in the town of Grand Valley and went into the grocery store where we bought some local honey.

My wife commented that this town had a lovely feel to it and reminded her of the small town in northwestern Ontario that she had grown up in.

We drove to Gerrie’s Farm Market in Elora to continue shopping when I realized I had lost my wallet.

I called the grocery store in Grand Valley to see if it had been found and the staff person told me no but she still went outside to retrace my steps and there was no sign of it.

My wife and I drove back to Grand Valley and looked around the street ourselves and did not find it so we drove back to our home in Fergus and we had two voicemails on our answering machine.

One message was from my neighbour, who said “I just saw your name on a community bulletin board on Facebook and your wallet has been handed in by a person to the Grand River Chop House Restaurant in Grand Valley.”

I called the restaurant immediately and they said they called the OPP and that they now had my wallet. The second message was from the OPP saying they had my wallet at the Orangeville detachment.

This was truly a Christmas miracle and I believe that the circumstances around my wallet are  beautiful.

I would first like to thank the kind person who picked up my wallet and then gave it to the restaurant staff because you are angel. I also want to thank the staff at the Grand River Chop House for posting it on social media so my neighbour could call me and remind me that we all have to look after each other.

Thank you to the OPP constable who came by and retrieved my wallet.

Thank you to the staff at the Grand Valley Clover Farms for going outside and trying to find my wallet for me.

And thank you to the community of Grand Valley and the honest people in this small town.

Paraic Donoghue,