Cemetery increases too steep

To the editor:

There is so much information we would like to bring forward in this letter, however there is not enough time to finish all our research nor the space to put the information in a letter to the editor.

We need to stop council’s decision right now.

Firstly I want to thank the Community News for reporting to the taxpayers of Mapleton that our council is considering a 173 per cent increase for a single plot, which changes from $825 to $2,250 and a 300% increase for a cremation plot that totals $325 to $1,500 in the Drayton and Hollen cemeteries.

This increase is outrageous and uncalled for, in our opinion, and it does not stop there. The financial report presented to council on Nov. 10 includes many other increases including the opening and closing charges for a traditional burial from $550 to $900 and from $250 to $400 for the interment of cremated remains and the list goes on. By comparison the price of plots in other local cemeteries in our area can vary. A full plot costs anywhere from $500 to $1,250 which includes municipally owned cemeteries and cemeteries owned by the plot holders. The report used three cemeteries as comparison, Minto $900, Waterloo at $2,300 and Centre Wellington at $2,556, however that municipality is closer to Guelph and I don’t think Mapleton residents will be going to Waterloo to be buried.

Mapleton Township issued a release stating council intends to adopt the revised fees and charges for cemeteries at their Dec. 8 council meeting and they would come in to effect as of Jan. 1, 2021.

There is no doubt in our mind this bylaw will be passed unanimously on Dec. 8 unless we taxpayers voice our concern and dissatisfaction with these unreasonable increases.

Thankfully it has not been passed yet, so I encourage anyone who feels the increases to be exorbitant to contact Mayor Greg Davidson as well as all councillors to voice your concerns now, before the bylaw is passed.

We plan to participate in the council meeting on Nov. 24, via video conference to voice our concerns and ask council to reverse their decision.

Hopefully, along with your taxpayer input, we can have council understand the impact of these charges on the community, reverse their decision  and opt for further discussion at a later date after COVID which has affected everyone in our community in some way.

We are not opposed to reasonable increases – that’s how things work. However, to have increases at these amounts is unacceptable.

The residents that are buried in the Drayton and Hollen Cemetery, as well as anyone that is currently purchasing plots, have paid and continue to pay taxes in this community.

We respectfully ask council to consider the taxpayer, show respect for those who have gone before us and do the right thing by reversing their decision.

Mary Thompson and Kenneth Thompson,
Heritage Funeral Home