‘Blatant hoodwinking’

Dear Editor:

Like many I went to the post office Sept. 30 to find I did not have access to my postal box. I was made aware that it was National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and a statutory federal  holiday, passed in the Senate by all parties.

It seems that the loss of productivity on that day amounts to over $300 million in lost productivity and the only beneficiaries, ironically, are government workers; the very people who perpetrated these crimes in the first place.

How disingenuous of our present-day government to fill the pockets of the elite who already enjoy high wages, benefits and pensions!  Are we supposed to believe that these coddled individuals will engage in contemplation on that day (witness Tofino), when a “down payment” on clean drinking water could have been achieved? Our shrewd prime minister, with this tactic, scores the vote of both the Indigenous community and government workers – a considerable tally all in one calculated move.

Apparently, we are so naive as to allow this blatant hoodwinking of our Native brothers and sisters yet again. I also ask our First Nations elders to see through this scam.  Please reverse this injustice and put the dollars back in the Native community.

Our government workers are just fine – they don’t need any more perks and should be ashamed to accept the day off with payment!

Terry Birch,