Blackface fiasco

Dear Editor:

The recent/ongoing discussion about Trudeau and blackface has caused a flicker of thought.

When I was working for the provincial government, it seemed that every management hiring was from across the pond. Later it changed to visible minorities. We hear regular reports of police targeting blacks and first nations. Other than the government. I have worked for only one employer that hired a visible minority (just one).

When I was in public school (1950s) I was in a school play that required me to be blackface. Now it seems that you can dress up as another ethnic or cultural group as long as you don’t alter your skin colour.

Perhaps we should ban movies that have WASPs playing someone they don’t personally represent? Perhaps we should stop dressing up at Halloween?

Negative discrimination is wrong. As long as we learn and “reform” there is no problem. Then maybe we should fight the Crimean War over again.

Chris Woode,