ATV enthusiasts

Dear Editor:

On behalf of my entire family, I would like to thank Chris White and Corey Woods and all of the members of Guelph/Eramosa council for changing bylaw  30-2021 to allow the use of ATVs in the township.

We are 68 years old and have lived in the township all of our lives and finally now we do not have to drive for hundreds of miles north to get to a location to ride our ATVs.

We all feel we are much safer right here in Eramosa. This new by law makes it fair use of our township as compared to skidoos, bicycles, motorcycles and other recreational machines.

When we do ride it is a great way to know your community and meet your neighbours. The people that wave to us and stop to talk to us are amazing. This only shows that Guelph/Eramosa is a leader in a place to work, live and play in.

I would also like to mention the amount of jobs this will create; mechanics, sales people, manufacturing, the list is endless. So please, everyone ride safe, obey all the laws and have fun in this great way to exercise and get out in the fresh air in our own community.

Jim and Judy Machen,