‘Angry, frustrated’

Dear Editor:

I am scared. Scared that next year’s forest fire season will be worse than this year’s, that those fires will someday destroy my community, that summers will keep getting hotter and more deadly, that floods and hurricanes will threaten our communities. 

I am angry and frustrated about the planet we are leaving behind for our children and grandchildren.

For decades, the fossil fuel sector has been knowingly risking our futures in exchange for obscene profits, raking in billions while communities suffer. And the government isn’t doing anything to stop them. Even now, when the impacts of climate change show up in the news every day, the feds continue to subsidize the same companies responsible for this crisis. 

Canada’s investments in clean energy are a drop in the bucket compared with the billions in federal subsidies being given to big oil. The government ignored its promise to phase out paying billions of dollars to further contribute to climate destruction. This new budget pours even more public money, our tax money,  down the gullet of “big oil” through tax breaks for unproven solutions. We need to call on our government to do whatever it takes – now, before it’s too late.

Gerry Walsh,