‘A great reminder’

Dear Editor:

RE: We carry their stories and remember each of them, Nov. 9.

I recently read this article on your website. I was deeply moved by the strong tribute to the local war heroes of Wellington County.

Reporter Jordan Snobelen did an exceptional job of capturing the essence of the remembrance ceremony held at the Wellington County Museum and Archives.

The vivid descriptions of the ceremony, the Legion members, and the atmosphere created a sense of respect for the brave men and women who served in the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War, and in Afghanistan.

The stories of people like George Arnold, Ashford Earl and Alice Cook, who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, were touching.

This article serves as a great reminder of the sacrifices made by our local heroes. It shows the importance of remembering their stories and honouring their memory.

Lest we forget.

Sean Flach,