‘A disaster’

Dear Editor:

The platform of the PPC states first and foremost (in bold letters) that their party stands for “Freedom” and that has made me wonder what that word means in the context of Canadian politics.

I know where they stand in terms of COVID-19 but what does it mean for the reproductive rights of women – does it mean free choice, or maybe not? What does it mean for people in this country who are not white and not Christian – can the PPC explain what they mean by “Canadian values”?

And what about immigration – sounds like the PPC doesn’t like the sound of that word very much.

I don’t know that much about this party, but I resent them using the word “people’s” in their name, as if their party was inclusive and represented all the people of Canada, which it does not.

I am discouraged to see so many of their signs around – their slogan might have a seductive ring to it, but it wouldn’t lead to a better future.  Their solution for ending the pandemic alone would be a disaster, and that is just the beginning.

Barbara Cooper,
East Garafraxa