Legion invites everyone to thank Ken Taylor for service, generosity

For many years, Ken Taylor, of Little KaTy Variety, has assisted the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 229 here – as well as many other groups, clubs and organi­zations in the community.

Taylor and his wife, Brenda, closed their store earlier this year after 40 years in business and serving the community in a variety of ways.

Elora Legion Branch 229 president Ashley Woods said in an interview the salute on Sept. 24 is a come and go, drop-in and enjoy barbecue to thank the Taylors.

“He supported the Legion, and the Lions, and a lot of Sports groups,” said Woods, who added, “A lot of people are dismayed” that Little KaTy Variety has been shut down.

Taylor was well known for helping in the community and was often asked, after hours, to supply goods and services – and he did.

“He always helped us out at Christmas and other times of the year too,” Woods said.

He said there is no admission, but if people wish, they can make a donation to the food bank.

There will be a bar­be­cue available.

The event is on Sept. 24 in the Elora  Legion’s Maple Leaf Room, 110 Metcalfe Street, Elora, and it starts at 6pm.

For information, call 519-846-9611 or visit www.elora­legion.ca.

Wood said anyone who has ever dealt with Taylor and his store is welcome – including kids.

“It’s a family event,” Woods said.


