Ipsos surveying Wellington residents’ satisfaction levels

WELLINGTON COUNTY – The County of Wellington will be conducting its first corporate satisfaction survey. The survey will begin in late April and run until late May. 

An April 17 press release states the survey will help the county better understand the needs and expectations of residents and will accompany the county’s 2023 Strategic Plan.

Ipsos will be conducting the survey on behalf of the county. Select county residents will be contacted by phone (landline and/or cell) or by mail to complete the survey. Select residents will be asked to share their experiences with county programs and services.

Identifying improvements

“We want to hear from our residents,” said Warden Andy Lennox. 

“Our hope is that this satisfaction survey will identify opportunities and challenges for county council to address. We want to continue to deliver and improve responsible public service to our diverse communities,” he added.

The survey results will be made public this summer. 

Ipsos will also provide the county with a comparative study with other municipalities.