ICL Immigration Inc. helps businesses recruit qualified, international personnel

It might seem an unlikely location, given Clifford isn’t an urban centre, but it is home to a successful international legal Canadian immigration practice that is making a positive difference in the lives of newcomers and the businesses who seek to employ them. 

ICL Immigration Inc. is an international open door legal immigration practice that covers all forms of Canada’s immigration programs, with the focus to bring skilled workers to local businesses of any sector. With a team that includes five immigration lawyers and 15 administrative personnel located across the country, and virtually around the globe, this team has assisted over 8,000 immigrants in relocating to Canada over the last decade.  

Owner Clinton Emslie has experienced the lengthy and complicated process of immigration first-hand, coming to Canada from his native South Africa. That experience highlighted the need to help other skilled immigrant applicants find their way to new employment opportunities here. But it also stressed the need to educate Canadian employers of the potential of international recruitment options. Emslie saw the opportunity to help employers navigate the complex immigration system, to ensure they could attract, hire, and maintain the skilled labour they required. 

Labour shortages are a grim reality across Canada currently. The impact on businesses of all sizes is the same: it prevents businesses from achieving goals, like production targets, development plans and growth. Yet, employers have a world of options. ICL Immigration Inc. offers a practical solution with a global network; real, cost-effective solutions. 

Working directly with employers to understand their recruitment fulfillment needs for both local candidates and international applicants, the ICL team develops a comprehensive strategy for these businesses to meet their employment targets while remaining compliant with legal immigration and local labour laws.  

With a viable recruitment strategy in place, ICL Immigration Inc. markets these employment opportunities to their diverse networks of qualified international clients. As immigration professionals, the ICL team work tirelessly to recruit and vet the best applicants, providing ethical and professional services. Immigrant applicants can be assured of their knowledgeable guidance and support throughout the complicated journey to immigrate, from start through to successful completion. 

Employers can be assured of that same commitment. The immigration process is a complex series of steps and thus, requires vigilance and patience for all involved. ICL Immigration Inc. helps employers navigate the system by maintaining communication and support every step of the way, taking a leadership role in the fine details that keep everything in motion.  As Emslie says, “we don’t leave clients in the dark.” 

There is no greater success for the ICL Immigration team than to see businesses flourish with the right people in place, and knowing the story of how that individual is now adding value to their workplace, their community, and providing a good quality of life for their families. ICL Immigration changes lives.

ICL Immigration Inc. is on the map as an internationally respected immigration practice in the Canadian market, with a proven track record. While the labour market in this country has significant challenges ahead, businesses can count on this team to continue to provide effective human resource solutions. 

Contact ICL Immigration Inc. at
519-266-4531, or email 
info@iclimmigration.com. Visit them online at www.iclimmigration.com.