Hubs provide free exam tutoring

WELLINGTON COUNTY – The Grove Youth Wellness Hubs welcomes youth aged 12 to 26 to utilize its tutoring services. 

“Exams are coming soon for post-secondary students, and they should know about all the support available for them in the community,” said Grove Hubs executive director and chief development officer Jeff Hoffman. 

“Exam season can be extremely stressful for youth and we want to provide as much help as we can.”

The Grove currently offers eight free tutoring sessions for youth. These sessions are for all elementary and high school subjects, along with physics tutoring for university students. Tutoring services are available both online and in person. 

During exam season The Grove offers exam prep for post secondary students, both at the university and college level. 

Those seeking tutoring services are encouraged to utilize The Grove’s websites for further information on tutoring support and general study tips.

The Grove Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario also has several study spaces that include access to free wifi, tutoring services, and a place to connect with other youth who are experiencing the same stresses during the exam season. 

Students can also utilize the virtual Youth Wellness Hub to access educational resources.

Students can learn more about The Grove’s study resources and tutor support or volunteer to be a tutor by reaching out to or calling 1-833-43-GROVE (1-833-434-7683).