Grade 5 student one of two winners of 2021 Olive and Fred Robins Junior Short Story Contest

WELLINGTON COUNTY – The County of Wellington Library has announced the winners of the fourth annual Olive and Fred Robins Junior Short Story Contest.


It is open to Wellington County students attending Grades 4 to 6, who are invited to submit original short stories between 500 and 750 words.

Grade 5 students Mia  Swart and Logan Corrigan are the two 2021 top prize winners.  Corrigan’s story follows.

The Little Lonely Witch
By Logan Corrigan

The little lonely witch was very lonely.  She did not have any friends to hang out with. The lonely witch was not the first person you would go to for a friend. She had a long pointy nose, black dirty clothes, bright green eyes, pointy shoes, and gross long pointy fingernails. The witch lived in a cab-in in the forest just outside of a little town that loves Halloween. It was one week until Halloween and everyone was getting all their decorations set up. The little witch had never gone trick-or-treating before but she was craving some candy. It was Halloween night and all the kids were out trick-or-treating. The little witch was all set to go so she walked to the town to go to the first house.

“Trick-or-treat,” said the witch.

The man opened the door.

“Wooh,” said the man. “You are a very scary witch. How did you get your nose to look so realis-tic?”

“This is my real nose,” replied the witch.

“Ow, Sorry,” said the man.

“That’s okay, I get that a lot,” answered the witch

The witch was happy as she got some candy and so she ventured off to the next house. As the witch walked to the next house she asked a group of kids if they wanted to trick-or-treating with her? 

“Why would we want to go trick-or-treating with you,” said the one kid in a mean voice.

So the witch walked to the other house and got some more candy. The witch got to the next house and knocked on the door.

“Trick-or-treat,” called the witch.

The door opened and the same thing happened. The person that opened the door asked her how she got her nails to look so realistic. 

“These are my real nails,” replied the witch again.

The witch built up enough courage to ask another kid if she wanted to go trick-or-treating with her;

“NO! “shouted the girl.

The witch started to feel sad because no one wanted to go trick-or-treating with her and every-one thought that the witch was wearing a costume. The witch went back to her cabin in the woods to eat some of her candy.

“Why does no one want to go trick-or-treating with me?” the witch said in a sad voice.

Then the witch heard something outside her cabin. The witch looked out but she did not see anyone.

“Who’s there,” called out the witch.

The witch grabbed a flashlight and looked again. Then the witch looked in the trees and she saw a little boy hiding in them. 

“What are you doing up there? “asked the witch.

“I am looking for some food, “replied the boy.

“I have some candy in my cabin if you would like some,” said the witch.

“I love candy, thank you,” the boy cheered.

The boy got down from the tree and the witch saw that he was a witch, too.

“Hey, you’re a witch too! “said the boy.

“Yeah,” replied the witch, “I have not seen another witch in a long time.”

“Me, too,” said the boy.

Then they went inside to eat some candy.

“This is delicious,” said the boy.

After they were done eating their candy they went for a walk in the woods and talked, and talked, and talked. So the little lonely witch was not so lonely any more.