Fergus artist Sonia Day to hold mini-show at studio

On the fly – “Fishermen don’t find social distancing hard,” observes Fergus artist, Sonia Day. “It  comes naturally to them. They stake out a space on the river or lake – and they don’t want anyone else butting in.”

Day has become inspired by the habits of fishermen since quitting country living outside Belwood for a new home in downtown Fergus two years ago. She’s painted fly fishermen on the Grand River, as well as temporary fishing tents on Belwood Lake. She’s also travelled to Lake Scugog in winter to photograph, and later paint, more permanent huts erected on the ice. 

Now she’s holding a mini-show of this work at her Fergus studio. An advance exhibit is currently on display in the storefront windows of Wolfe, Smith and Forster at 140 St. Andrew St. West until Nov. 30. Her studio is located a few doors away at 431 St. Andrew St. West, north side. She welcomes visitors on two upcoming weekends – Nov. 28 and 29, and Dec. 5 and 6, from 10am to 5pm. For more information visit soniaday.com.