Farm severance approved

KENILWORTH – Wellington North council voted to rezone a severed portion of farmland to prohibit future residential development.

A Wellington County land division committee made the rezoning a requirement for the severance to go through.

Essentially a 92-acre portion of agricultural land will be legally separated from another 10-acre portion at 7572 Sideroad 3 East in the township. On the 10 acre rural residential portion sits an existing home. Residential development on the 92-acre portion will be prohibited. 

The application was brought by Alette Holsteins under surplus farm dwelling policies, requiring the farmed portion of the land to be rezoned to protect it from development.

Councillor Lisa Hern, who voted against the rezoning on April 8, said the residential portion of the severance is “excessively large.”

Mayor Andy Lennox noted “concern” about the size at the county committee, but said “it was approved largely because it’s along the stream and natural features as opposed to the farmable land.”

County planner Jessica Rahim told council larger parcels with “natural features” are the norm across the county.

“The land isn’t being farmed,” Rahim added.
