Early bird deadline is Feb. 15 for ‘Split the Pot Lottery’

ABOYNE – Groves Memorial Community Hospital is among the 51 hospital foundations in Ontario taking part in “Split the Lottery” fundraiser.

The early bird deadline is Feb. 15.

“If you get your tickets early you’ll be in for all five additional draws,” officials state. 

“You’ll have 26 chances to win a split of the $76,000 in Early Rewards PLUS another 13 chances to win in our Grand Prize draws (guaranteed Jackpot of $500,000!) — that’s 39 total chances to win! Why not increase your odds?”

Ticket buyers can designate which hospital foundation will receive their funds. Or funds can be evenly split among the 51 hospitals.

Tickets cost $60 for 400 tickets; $40 for 160 tickets; $20 for 40 tickets and $10 for 10 tickets. 

Winners and more details can be found on the Split the Pot Lottery Facebook page.