Kinsmen celebrate Drayton Farm Show’s 40th anniversary

Mayor Gregg Davidson presented club with award recognizing the event's longevity

DRAYTON – The 40th annual Drayton Farm Show kicked off on Wednesday at the PMD Arena here.

Over 100 vendors are at the show, including EastGen, MintoAg, Amazone, Premier Equipment, Nieuwland Seeds, Norwell Dairy, Snobelen Farms, Edge Mutual, Conestogo Agri Systems and many more.

Mapleton Mayor Gregg Davidson presented an award to the Drayton Kinsmen Club in recognition of its 40th farm show.

The inaugural Drayton Farm Show was held in 1981, but a few years were missed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Proceeds from this year’s show will be distributed to Cystic Fibrosis Canada and community projects such as the Palmerston and District Hospital Foundation MRI+ Campaign.

The show runs April 10 (Wednesday) until 10pm and on April 11 (Thursday) from 11am to 9pm.