CW Pee Wee winning streak

The Centre Wellington Fusion  Pee Wee ‘AA’ has continued to be successful in the team’s OMHA playdowns.

The boys defeated Halton Hills 4-3 and then Niagara Falls 5-0.

Points (goals, assists) in the games were scored by: Jakson Kirk (1, 4), Caleb Cribbin (3, 1), Caleb Willmets (1, 3), Max Hattle (1, 2), Trent Collins (1, 1), Zac Hatch (two  assists), Jack McDonald (one goal), Ben Witmer, Troy Hall, Zac Tofflemire, Zachary Burt and Logan Rayner  each had one assist each.

The team will participate in the International Silver Stick Finals in Port Huron.
